Bezoek de beurs

25 - 26 Januari 2025 | Mecc Maastricht | 10:00 – 17:00 uur 15 - 16 februari | Antwerp Expo Antwerpen | 10:00 – 17:00 uur

Your Second Home as a healthy investment

There are plenty of things that you think about when buying a second home. Is the house beautiful, habitual, my taste and contemporary? What is the purchase price? What do I get for that price? How is the house located? Is it easily accessible? Is it a cosy neighbourhood? How is the view? What about the legal aspects? Will I become the sole owner, is there a land register? How is the quality of the construction? Do I have a right to a guarantee? Is the rest of my family going to enjoy the house? Are the people in the neighbourhood friendly? Is this a ‘healthy’ investment for me all in all? These are all things that can play a very important role, especially nowadays, when everything goes so quickly and hectically!

But it might be good to ask yourself – next to all the above-mentioned important matters of course – the following question: Am I leading a healthy life, on a physical and/or mental level? Shouldn’t I relax and rest more? And in which place can I do that best, without having to worry about all other things? That is probably also why you are looking for a second home. A place of your own to be yourself, without worries, that constitutes a ‘healthy’ investment for you.

Take the region of Ohrid in Macedonia for example. This area is famous for its extremely healthy air, the rich content of the bronze soil providing positive energy, the protected nature parks with their magnificent forests and the crystal-clear water of the lake, which all make this the ideal location for people who like rest and recreation.

The magnificent Lake Ohrid originated more than 2 to 3 million years ago and is therefore one of the three oldest lakes in the entire world. In and around the lake you can find unique animal species. The lake is on the World Heritage List and the entire area is protected by UNESCO.

The large part of the lake’s water comes from numerous aboveground and underground sources. Many scientists therefore consider the lake a unique thing. The lake has a surface area of 350 km². It is 300 metres deep and is located at 800 metres above sea level. It is a big freshwater reservoir where you can swim in. In the mountains there are several hot springs with therapeutic water (39 °C) to be found. This water is considered to be one of the richest in minerals of the whole in Europe and is unique as to composition and characteristics! It is because of this thermal water that the former Ottoman rulers were already quite proficient in building public baths. Nowadays you can find many spas in the region.

A lot of people who suffer from rheumatism, stress and heart disorders describe the climate around Ohrid as very pleasant, mainly thanks to the dry air and the rather cool nights (it always feels like spring). The magnificent ancient city of Ohrid with its many outdoor terraces offers all the modern comfort and pleasure to relax. Here you can eat delicious and especially natural dishes.

In the high green mountains of the nature park Galicica overlooking the lake there are many plants that the local population regularly picks because of their healing powers. Here, you can find total peace and quiet and a diversity of fauna and flora. Ohrid is a wonderful and magical place … Around the lake alone there are 365 churches – one for each day. Quotes from the bibles describe the journey of St. Paul the Apostle to the ‘ancient’ Macedonia. The airport in Ohrid has even been named after him.

Granted, this is plenty of information to think about. If you really want to understand you have to experience it, let yourself be blown away and really immerse yourself in it ……………………….. Travelling there is easy. In less than 2.5 hours you reach your destination.

Apart from this ‘healthy’ environment and the fact that the country is rather cheap, the following things might be interesting to know as well:
– the tax climate in Macedonia is very attractive. There is only one rate applicable and it’s the flat rate of 10%
– Macedonia has an agreement with the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in order to avoid a double tax levy
– Macedonia is on the list of countries where you can, under certain terms and conditions, take your old-age pension and/or other benefits with you.

For more information:

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