Visiter la foire

19 - 20 octobre | Flanders Expo Gand | 10:00 – 17:00 uur

Grupo CHG

Grupo CHG
Avda. Picasso 1 - Centro Comercial Urbanisation Oliva Nova Golf 1
46780 Oliva (Valencia)
+34 96 295 90 10

Présent au salon:

19 - 20 octobre Flanders Expo Gand
Nombre d'employés
Numéro d'entreprise:
Formulaire commercial
Première participation à une exposition
Nombre de participations à des expositions
Nous parlons les langues suivantes NL,EN
Année d'établissement


Pablo Borho


à propos de Grupo CHG

CHG, Construcciones Hispano Germanas S.A., is a Company founded in 1972 and has great experience in the fields of real estate promotion and construction. The company is one of the leading real estate promotion companies on the Costa Blanca, and is proud to have more than 7.500 satisfied clients from all over Europe. For over 40 years we have offered the highest possible quality service to our clients. This has been our main objective from the very beginning, and what has taken us to increase and diversify the services we offer, to create what has become today the CHG Group of Companies. CHG pledges to always provide clear and legal contractual documentation coupled with a wide range of guarantees both for workmanship and financial. CHG was the first real estate promoter in the Valencian Community, to be awarded certification ISO 9001 for quality control guarantee.

Formulaire de contact


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Offre Grupo CHG

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